"Truth," by Xavier Fernandes.

Artist's Note

Truth is objective. People want to make truth relative. You have your truth and I have mine. This is not truth.

I hold up a photo of a pencil. Would everyone agree this is a pencil? This is a truth that we all share, or is it relative truth based on what info you have been given? Can a pencil twist like this? NO, that is a truth. Can this pencil make marks? NO, that is a truth. Was our truth not the whole truth? What is this now that we have more truths? We all learned that this is a piece of paper with an image of a pencil. Because of our knowledge of the whole truth, we can come to that conclusion.

I am an artist that uses many different mediums, pencil, paint, metal, stone, photography, and wood. As a wood turner I need to pay attention to the wood. It does not lie. I must be willing to listen to the truth. By knowing what is true about each piece, I can understand it and create beautiful art.

When the wood spins on the lathe you have fast moving wood and slow-moving wood. The outside moves fast and you don’t see things as well as you can in the core where things are moving slower. The beauty and truth is deeper, past the outer bark. What you see on the outside may not be the truth of what is inside. Go deeper to the core and you will see the truth.

Children need kindness and the whole truth to learn what reality is. Children learn from what we do and say. They are told what to think, just as I told you to think of a pencil. Everyone knew it was a piece of paper but followed what I was saying to be true. When I showed that the pencil was a piece of paper, we had a new truth that was a shared reality. Knowing the whole truth allows us to understand each other. We need to give our children the whole truth so they can share our reality.