"Love," by Xavier Fernandes.

Artist's Note

Love one another as I have loved you… What does that mean?

As people, we have chosen to change love to hate, anger, murder, abuse, and so many other negative things that we do to each other. Why do we do that? None of these things come from a place of love. Love is being in balance. If you are not in balance than love is off balance too.

Being able to demonstrate love means that we must love ourselves before we can know love for someone else. I feel that love is unconditional. It must be given freely. No strings attached. When we give love freely it can come back to us. I have a lot of love to give, and it is a matter whether the people around me are open to receiving it. It will always be given even if it is not returned. I am ok with this because I am at peace with myself. I feel balanced.

I have talked about Bravery, Honesty, and Humility as a woodturner. Today I am talking about love… and as a woodturner there is a lot of love that goes into everything I do. Applying oil to the bowl protects it. At this stage of turning a bowl I may apply 2, 3, 4 or more coats of oil, letting it dry between each coat.

It takes the time it needs to absorb what I have given and lets me know when more is needed. This is almost the final stage with the bowl for me. I have put all the care and love that I can into each bowl. And then it is ready…for you…to take what you need.