"Humility," by Dazaunggee.

Artist's Note

Humility. Doing the work.

Humility is knowing I am who I am and I'm beautiful the way I am. If I can only believe my power when I put you down - my power is false. I push you down to make me feel a little better about myself. My baggage is not your baggage – nor yours mine.

Real power comes in humility and accepting that we all have different powers and different positions of importance in this world. Mine is no more important than yours. To be humble is to know that each of us can easily be seen in the image of another, as we are all living in this same world and all playing our various roles in similar ways.

All my relations. I’ve become comfortable with myself, I can respect myself and get rid of all the things that I carry that create illusions or bad thoughts about myself - then I can love you well and in a strong, natural way. I can see how beautiful you are. Humility means taking yourself a little lighter. It means seeing your thoughts and passions and ideas in relation to others, and not as stand-alone things. We have differences, for sure, but in the essentials, we are very much alike. Humility allows us to see that and be a human being.